Under Balanced Drilling, Managed Pressure Drilling, Pipeline & Process, Air Hammers , Nitrogen Services, Precision Consulting, Equipment Rentals
Precision Air Drilling Services has comprehensive solutions for safe and effective Air or UnderBalanced Drilling to meet your growing production demands worldwide.
Extensive experience and professional service of leadingAir Drilling Services and UBD technologies have made Precision Air Drilling Services leader for Air Drilling and UnderBalanced Drilling solutions in the Rocky Mountain Region and soon to be a global leader.
Precision Air Drilling has more than 10 years of experience in all facets of Air Drilling and UnderBalanced Drilling techniques, we know the challenges that operators face in different reservoirs. We handle each project with a tailored approach that:
Precision Air Drilling has more than 10 years of experience in all facets of Air Drilling and UnderBalanced Drilling techniques, we know the challenges that operators face in different reservoirs. We handle each project with a tailored approach that:
With a large complement of surface equipment, Precision Air Drilling is ready to supply your needs when and where you need them. This translates into reduced mobilization costs and reduced overall project time.
Precision Air Drilling believes that Engineering is a major key to a successful Air Drilling or UnderBalanced Drilling project. As expected from a leader in the industry, our drilling services begin with an assessment of your drilling plan. We become your partner and assist in determining whether the project should be undertaken with Air Drilling or UnderBalanced Drilling and, if so, what is the best approach Foam Mist Air or Aerated fluid to providing you with the best results.
We make an in-depth analysis of wells in your region, including all existing geology and drilling data and use sophisticated simulation-modeling software. We also analyze other aspects of the project including transportation and mobilization. Precision Air Drilling can provide on-site engineering and supervision, and upon completion of the work we can provide an “end-of-well” summary to recap the project results.
Managed Pressure Drilling
Precision Air Drilling Services capabilities of Manage Pressure Drilling is the art work of the combined experience and knowledge of the industry. With over 20 years in the industry we can prove beneficial to your project.
MPD " Manage Pressure Drilling " is exactly what is sounds like, we manage the well bore pressure to more effectively drill the well. By regulating the back pressure we can create a harmony in the drilling procedure that creates the ideal and most effective way to drill in specific environments.
At the end of the day you will need a company with the expertise and experience to assist you with your project.
With the knowledge of our staff and the experience of many projects and scenarios under our belt you can be assured that you are in good hands with our team here at Precision Air Drilling Services. Give us a call or send us an e-mail to: so that we can assist you with your upcoming project.
Precision Air Drilling‘s Air Hammer Division takes our years of experiences with air drilling and compression, combined with durable Halco Rock Tools air hammers to give you a cost effective solution for ‘down the hole’ drilling.
Useful in a wide variety of applications, Air Hammer drilling can decrease drilling times and is more environmentally friendly than other drilling systems.
The advances in Air hammer drilling have in many fields resulted in better holes and in many cases doubled ROP which has given many operators dramatic cost savings. There are many applications for conventional hammers include blast hole drilling, water well and geothermal drilling, mineral exploration, seismic investigation, intermittent sampling and a wide variety of civil engineering and underground mining applications.
Civil engineering applications include piling, site investigation, and ground consolidation and anchoring, post holes, de-watering, earthing rod installation, micro-piling and monitoring ground movement and ground contamination. Underground mining applications include rock bolting, cable anchoring, blasting, cut out raises, communication and ventilation raises, rescue shafts, instrumentation installations and underground service passages. The Air Hammer is now probably the most versatile drilling method available for most applications because it can be used in medium and hard formations enabling them to be used in conditions previously exclusive to rotary, drifter and coring techniques.
Field evidence has demonstrated air drilling can be significantly improved with hammer bits in terms of Rate of Penetration (ROP), hole geometry, cost per foot, etc.
Hammer drilling has long been recognized to have the potential of drilling faster than conventional rotary drill, especially in some hard formations such as granite, sandstone, limestone, and dolomite.
With the same Weight on Bit (WOB) and Rotation per Minute (RPM), it has been demonstrated that percussive-rotary method can be up to 7 times faster than the conventional rotary method. Air hammers have been used to drill gas wells all over the world since 1950s. Air hammers have been used on numerous wells in different fields through the world. In many cases the number of days spent drilling with the use and air and hammers have been cut in half. That translates to a corresponding cost per foot reduction of 50% by using air with hammers compared with conventional rotary and mud drilling.
Another significant advantage of air hammer drilling is less well deviation. In some fields we have worked there were some wells drilled into a high dipped formation, such as 45 degrees. In these fields less than 1 degree deviation was achieved for most wells, compared to 5 degree deviation with use of roller cones bits.
Hard rock drilling is not the only application for the use of hammers. Overburden Systems in Soft soil is normally drilled with augers or by the rotary method. Hammers have adapted to soft conditions by being able to drill and case the hole simultaneously using an eccentric bit which can be withdrawn on completion of the bore hole, Leaving the casing in situ, thus preventing hole collapse. This id achieved by enabling the down the hole drill string and casing to be lowered simultaneously. A down the hole hammer is used to which is fitted a driver and eccentric bit.
Other attractions of hammer drilling include lower requirement for WOB, less contact time between bit and rock, longer bit life, and the generation of larger cuttings. Some additional applications of percussion drilling have been looked at recently, such as using hammers as steady seismic signals to estimate rock properties, or using hammers with a steerable drilling device.
Precision Nitrogen Services can supply your company with on-site service for your nitrogen injection needs. Whether your requirements are for Oil & Gas or plant operations, or mining, we can supply you with nitrogen generation capabilities and the personnel to operate them.
Whether your project requires is a land based or offshore nitrogen requirement we can accommodate you. Precision Air Drilling Services has professional consultants to assist you with your project in any of these fields:
Nitrogen gas injection technologies are used for improving oil and gas production. When generated nitrogen is injected directly into the gas cap it is considered to be a very cost effective method when considering availability, cost, environmental, safety, and reservoir issues.
Nitrogen is a non-reactive and nonflammable gas, which makes up more than 78 percent of the air we currently breathe and it is environmentally more safe and when nitrogen injection technology is used it a real step forward in the right direction. As it is low impact, this is one of the benefits of this improved technology. Nitrogen injection has been proven to be a very successful technique in recovering oil and gas that, otherwise, would have to be left in place.
If you would like to know more about Precision Nitrogen Services and our equipment you can download our Nitrogen NPU-3000 specifications and you can call us or e-mail us at and we will be eager to assist you and your company.
Precision Air Drilling offers scalable solutions and equipment to companies that operate offshore drilling rigs. Our equipment is compact and stack-able, perfect for application on a floating rig where space is at a premium. Precision Air Drilling offers pipeline commissioning services for any type of distribution system. Our systems can work in many different applications from initial testing to pressure control and regulation. Precision can also provide cleaning services for new or existing pipelines including scale and deposit removal, alkaline degreasing and chemical surge flushes.
Precision Air Drilling offers pipeline commissioning services for any type of distribution system. Our systems can work in many different applications from initial testing to pressure control and regulation.
Precision Pipeline & Process
If you would like to know more about Precision Pipeline & Process Services you can contact one of our consultants by e-mail at and we would be eager to assist you.
We can bring the expertise to make sure your project will succeed and be on time and budget. We have seasoned professionals with years of experience under the belt to bring stability and knowledge to your project.As you know in the OIL, GAS & Geothermal industries, nothing replaces years of experience and knowledge. All of our project team members have years of hands on experience in the respective and collective fields. If you need a professional consultant, we can recommend and put you in contact with one many experts in the field.
The Precision Air Management team realizes that every project has to stay on budget and on time. This is why bringing in and outside eye and a top professional in the field is so necessary. If your team needs assistance or leadership for your project you can get the professionals in place quickly and easily to make sure your headed the right direction.
Project failure is NOT an option and we can help you make sure that your project succeeds and improve your ROI “Return on Investment” significantly with the Precision Air Project Team.
If you would like to learn more about how Precision Air Project Team can make sure that your company comes out on top, than call us or e-mail us at
We can provide all the necessary equipment to ensure that your project is running efficiently and smoothly. Precision Air Drilling’s fleet of equipment is always ready to serve you and your needs. Whether you need just one compressor or 10 air packages and nitrogen injection capabilities, we can supply it all, and Precision Trucking can deliver it in a timely and efficient manner to your location.
All of our equipment is in the best working order possible. We only provide dependable and durable equipment for our rental programs. We maintain a stringent maintenance program for all of our equipment to ensure proper and safe working order and extend the life of our equipment.
Not only can Precision Air Drilling provide the equipment but we can provide the qualified and experienced personnel to insure that your production and project are done on time and budget. If you would like to hear more of how we can provide and a sound “ ROI “ Return on Investment for your project, please feel free to e-mail us directly at
Precision Air Drilling can provide the following types of equipment and more for your Air Drilling & Pipeline & Process needs:
Click on Each Image below to see a larger image. On the bottom of each enlarged image you will find a downloadable PDF Specification Sheet for each piece of equipment.
Precision Air Drilling Services Inc.
The Best Under Pressure !
Commitment to our Environment & the Children
Precision Air Drilling Services is committed to making sure that when we provide services that not only our equipment is environmentally safe but our employees have been trained to be conscious of the environment, as they are performing their duties. We have altered and modified all of our equipment to be self contained to prevent any leakage of any operational fluids into our environment.
One Planet, One Environment, All of Our Lives !
We all have a responsibility to this planet we all live on, and Precision Air Drilling Services wants you to know that we are making a conscious effort for our environment and hopes that you will too. We can make a positive impact now on all of our futures and the environment of our children’s lives in the days to come.
Working Safe with the importance of life in Mind !
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