Precision Nitrogen Services can supply your company with on-site service for your nitrogen injection needs. Whether your requirements are for Oil & Gas or plant operations, or mining, we can supply you with nitrogen generation capabilities and the personnel to operate them.
Whether your project requires is a land based or offshore nitrogen requirement we can accommodate you. Precision Air Drilling Services has professional consultants to assist you with your project in any of these fields:
- UnderBalanced Drilling
- Pipeline Commissioning
- Coal Mining Applications
- Offshore Platform Applications
Nitrogen gas injection technologies are used for improving oil and gas production. When generated nitrogen is injected directly into the gas cap it is considered to be a very cost effective method when considering availability, cost, environmental, safety, and reservoir issues.
Nitrogen is a non-reactive and nonflammable gas, which makes up more than 78 percent of the air we currently breathe and it is environmentally more safe and when nitrogen injection technology is used it a real step forward in the right direction. As it is low impact, this is one of the benefits of this improved technology. Nitrogen injection has been proven to be a very successful technique in recovering oil and gas that, otherwise, would have to be left in place.
If you would like to know more about Precision Nitrogen Services and our equipment you can download our Nitrogen NPU-3000 specifications and you can call us or e-mail us at and we will be eager to assist you and your company.